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October 12, 2009

Canadian Thanksgiving, time for some links:Sausage

By their janitors ye shall know them: an interesting way to take the measure of a preacher.

The future of denominations in North America – a clearinghouse of (Baptist) links.

A Hebrew linguist has managed to create a translation of Genesis that is muddled and unsatisfactory to both creationist and evolutionary understandings of our origins.

I’m seeing posters around town for Gnostic groups – not that you don’t get a lot of functional Gnosticism in many churches these days anyway.

The oldest known copy of the Ten Commandments is in Toronto.

Lastly: Don’t blame the TNIV for the controversy it caused. (HT)

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Andrew permalink*
    October 12, 2009 6:04 pm

    “A Hebrew linguist has managed to create a translation of Genesis that is muddled and unsatisfactory to both creationist and evolutionary understandings of our origins.”

    Given Carter’s summary, this seems incredibly implausible. Firstly she admits that the word does in fact mean create. Secondly, she would have to explain where the idea of God creating the heavens and the earth later in the OT came from, if not Genesis. This strikes me as incredibly implausible.

  2. October 12, 2009 7:26 pm

    It’s just a really bizarre sort of reading that appears to damage the internal coherence of Genesis 1 without really any purpose. Also, given that there’s so much debate about origins and how to read these chapters, especially in the preceding century and a half, I find it strange that no textual analysis resulted in this interpretation until now.

  3. Andrew permalink*
    October 13, 2009 12:24 pm

    An excellent response from a Hebrew scholar on this:

    “Who do the crowds say I am?”

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